Sunday, October 25, 2009

Selection guide - Consider adopting from a rescue group

Consider adopting from a rescue group. Many of these dogs are already housebroken and finished with the chewing stage. There is usually nothing wrong with the dog; the owners didn't research the breed and later discovered that they and the dog were incompatible.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Selection guide - Don't worry if you have other pets

Don't worry about adopting a Golden retriever if you have other pets. They do equally well with dogs and cats.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Selection guide - Choose a golden retriever if you want an friendly companion

Choose a golden retriever if you want an affectionate, loyal and friendly companion. They are not aggressive and make poor watchdogs because of their friendly dispositions. This, however, makes them good family dogs. They are excellent with children of any age.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Puppy training - The night time will be the hardest

The night time will be the hardest. There are three things you can do. You can wake up at certain intervals and take the dog out, you could put down paper and see if the dog will go on them, or you can keep the dog in a cleanable area and clean up after it. I have always chosen to take the dog out a intervals and if I slept through and the dog had an accident it was my fault, not the dogs.

Golden retriever - Dog Lover

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Puppy training - In the beginning it's a good idea to take your dog out every hour to the exact same spot

In the beginning it's a good idea to take your dog out every hour to the exact same spot, say your chosen phrase, and use your reward if you are going to use rewards.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Monday, October 12, 2009

Puppy training - Take your puppy outside after breakfast

Next feed your puppy breakfast. Immediately after your puppy is done eating take her outside to the exact same spot and tell the puppy whatever phrase you want to use for going the bathroom and always use that phrase during house training.

Most typically dogs will feel the need to go to the bathroom after they eat. One of the methods I have used is rewarding the puppy when he has finished going poop. I would always praise her and then give her a small dog treat. I kept doing this every time the dog went poop where it should. I only feed my dog three times a day but obviously the dog will need to be taken out more often.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Puppy training - Start in the morning

Start in the morning and take your puppy outside to place where you want the puppy to go to the bathroom. Stay by the puppy so that you can praise them when they have done what they should. Make sure you give your puppy plenty of time to do what it needs to do and if he doesn't do it just take the puppy inside.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Puppt training - Choose the right way to train your puppy

You see that cute little puppy and it you instantly fall in love and take it home. After about an hour you stumble across the reason why you always said you weren't going to get a dog. It's best to start right away with house training and you will find that you are actually training yourself more than your dog. Keep in mind that there are certain things you shouldn't do: Do not yell at the puppy, do not spank the puppy and do not rub the puppy's nose in it's accident. All this does is teach the dog to be scared of you and to hide what it has done. There are two schools of thought for house training. One is crate training and the other is just training them with the crate. I have always chosen to train without the crate.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Live longer tip - Remove potential poisons and toxins from your dog's reach

Dogs have a tendency to be inquisitive. Ensure your dog's safety by removing any cleaning chemicals, medications, or other poisons from the reach of your dog.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Live longer tip - Learn how to perform canine CPR

If your Golden Retriever should collapse suddenly, you'll want to be prepared by know how to perform canine CPR. There are a variety of videos and books that can teach you the basic steps for reviving your dog. It pays to be prepared.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover

Friday, October 2, 2009

Live longer tip - Watch for signs of illness and schedule regular veterinarian visits

Check daily for signs of illness in your Golden Retriever. Look for such signs as skin changes, loss of fur, increased panting, excessive thirst and urination, changes in his stool, vomiting, and personality changes. If your dog shows any of these signs, see your veterinarian. You want to diagnose potential medical problems early for the best prognosis. Be sure to have your dog evaluated by his veterinarian on a regular basis.

Golden Retriever - Dog Lover